2017-05-28 08:00 to 2017-06-17 18:00
About the program
- The program is preliminarily planned to be hold around May 28 – June12, 2017.
- The subjects will be of the applications of topology in condensed matter.
- The program will be accompanied by an international conference: “An International Workshop: Topological matter meets quantum information” which is jointly organized by Department of Physics and Astronomy, SJTU and it will be hold on June 13-17, 2017. The confirmed speakers of the international conference can be found: http://sccp.physics.sjtu.edu.cn/DetailInfo.php?pnum=3&num=87&id=64
- It will involve two or three lectures (talk 40 mins + 20-30 mins discussion) and some informal discussions on each working day.
- Accommodations will be provided by TDLI.
- There is no registration fee.
- Due to the limited number of participants, the non-invited speakers' registrations will be verified by the committee and we will contact you when it is approved.
- Travelling costs can be partially supported for some non-invied spaeakers.
Scientific Coordinates
- Jinfeng Jia (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Liang Fu (Massachusetts Insititue of Technology)
Organizing Committee:
- Liang Fu (MIT)
- Jinfeng Jia (SJTU)
- Qian Niu (UTA)
- Xiaoqun Wang (SJTU)
- Fuchun Zhang (KITS)
Confirmed Invited speakers
- Jennifer Cano (Princeton)
- Xie Chen (Caltech)
- Dimi Culcer (UNSW)
- Hong Ding (IOP)
- Xi Dai (IOP)
- Zhong Fang (IOP)
- Ke He (Tsinghua U)
- Timothy Hsieh (KITP)
- Shuang Jia (Peking U)
- Feng Liu (Utah)
- Vidya Madhavan (UIUC)
- Ying Ran (Boston College)
- Shun-Qing Shen (HKU)
- Jian Wang (Peking U)
- Jiannong Wang (HKUST)
- Congjun Wu (UCSD)
- Xincheng Xie (Peking U)
- Shuyun Zhou (Tsinghua U)